Giorgio Tentolini 喬治.坦托里尼
Italian 1978
Giorgio Tentolini was born in Casalmaggiore, Italy in 1978. He studied Graphic Arts at the Art Institute “Toschi” in Parma, and graduated in Design and Communication in “Università del Progetto” in Reggio Emilia. He then worked as a photographer for magazines and fashion brands, for which he received awards. His paintings are deeply influenced by the techniques that he acquired as a photographer, especially how he masters chiaroscuro and breaks down images in different layers. Giorgio Tentolini uses wire mesh as his medium. He overlaps hexagonal grids, which are just like contemporary society filled with unrealistic filters. 「The more careful you look, the more unclear the full picture will present in your mind.」However, from far away, viewers can detect the subject that the artist designed elaborately with light and wire mesh.The artist allows viewers to recognize themselves in the paintings, making the artworks accessible. Additionally, he reinterprets classical statues, blending the ancient with the contemporary seamlessly. He won the Price Nocivelli in 2012, and the Price Rigamonti in the section Visual Art, organized by Foundation San Fedele of Milan, also he won the First Price of Paratissima Torino 2015. Since 2014 one of his works has belonged to the permanent collection of the Ravenna MAR. Tentolini has held solo show in Italy and the United States. Also, he showed in Berlin, Amsterdam, in the Principality of Monaco, and he exhibited at the Palazzo Reale in Milan, at MAR. Art Museum the City of Ravenna, at the Nation Museum of Car in Turin.

Giorgio Tentolini 喬治.坦托里尼