Ryuzo SATAKE 佐竹龍蔵
Japanese 1987

Ryuzo Satake was born in Kochi, Japan, in 1987. He got a Master of Fine Arts from Kyoto University of Art and Design, majored in Japanese painting in 2012. Ryuzo Satake paints pointillist images with traditional Japanese mineral pigments. He intentionally constructs images void of brush marks, detaching personal memories and emotions. The enigmatic characters are left open to interpretation by the viewer. The pixelated quality, which draws from our contemporary digitized environment, is juxtaposed with centuries-old techniques in his intricate work. He has won the Mainichi Newspaper’s Award at “Selected Artist in Kyoto'' (2013), the Katagiri Takanori’s Award at “GEISAI #16” (2012), and the Second Award at “ART AWARD NEXT #1” (2010). As a young creator, Satake remains faithful to the Japanese painting medium, showing remarkable technical prowess, and at the same time, his unique approach places him on the wave crest of contemporary Japanese painting, and his dreamlike imagery is gaining popularity locally as well as abroad.


Ryuzo SATAKE 佐竹龍蔵