龟子龟男(カメ子カメ男) KAMEKO KAMEO
日本 1979
龟子龟男,1979年出生于日本鹿儿岛县。作品深受漫画、动漫和次文化影响,并以分岔点为主题,探索既有正面结果也有负面结果的现实,将日常情感与生活观察画作灰色的世界和人物,纸张、数字、压克力颜料、笔刷和喷枪等不同材料和工具融合,创造独特风格。曾获2021年Galley Art point VISIONS幻影展「银奖」,2021年独立东京(Independent Tokyo)特别赏、审査员特别赏。曾于日本、韩国参与展览,2023年于台北A4画廊举办个展。 Kameko Kameo, born in 1979 in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, is deeply influenced by manga, anime, and subcultures. His works often revolve around the theme of diverging paths, exploring both positive and negative outcomes. He portrays everyday emotions and observations by depicting a gray world and characters. He integrates various materials and tools such as paper, digital media, acrylic paint, brushes, and airbrushes to create a unique style. He was awarded the Silver Prize at the 2021 Gallery Art Point VISIONS Exhibition, as well as the Special Award and the Special Jury Prize at Independent Tokyo in 2021. He has participated in exhibitions in Japan and South Korea and held a solo exhibition at the A4 Gallery in Taipei in 2023.

龟子龟男(カメ子カメ男) KAMEKO KAMEO