马克斯.彼 MAX BI
义大利 1973
马克斯.彼,1973年出生于意大利,作品运用大量荧光配色,带来距离感与超现实感,灵感主要来自1980年代,在文化与政治领域发生的关键事件,如柏林墙倒塌、全球资本主义、大众媒体、以电子流行音乐和嘻哈音乐为代表的独特音乐等。同时,马克斯受当时重要街头和涂鸦艺术家如巴斯奇亚(Jean-Michel Basquiat)等人的影响,更从意大利普普艺术的图像景观,和部落面具中汲取创作养分。曾于意大利举办个展。 Max Bi, born in Italy in 1973, employs vibrant fluorescent colors in his artworks, evoking a sense of distance and surrealism. His inspiration primarily derives from key events in culture and politics during the 1980s, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the rise of global Capitalism, mass media, and unique music genres represented by electronic pop and hip-hop. Additionally, Max Bi is influenced by prominent street artists and graffiti artists of the time, such as Jean-Michel Basquiat, as well as drawing inspiration from the imagery of Italian Pop Art and tribal masks. He has held solo exhibitions in Italy.

马克斯.彼 MAX BI