草間彌生 《南瓜》以台幣1.41億成交,為藝術家南瓜系列大型雕塑排名次高
奈良美智大型雕塑創作《Your Puppy》以台幣6,416萬元成交,登上藝術家雕塑作品前3大紀錄
草間彌生 最大直式畫作《南瓜》,最終以台幣1.9856億成交,以超過4倍預估價格售出,站上億元拍品之列,創下南瓜系列世界紀錄的第二高價
山崎 YAMAZAKI 50年第一版,以台幣1351.25萬成交,刷新全球日本威士忌的拍賣新高紀錄
輕井澤 Karuizawa 1960,以台幣1057.5萬台幣尋得買家,刷新台灣日本威士忌拍賣紀錄
張大千《潑彩夏山》,以台幣1億336萬元成交, 站上億元成交價
Walasse TING “Miss World” was sold for US$1,825,608. It set the record as the largest piece by the artist ever sold in auction around the world in the past two decades and broke the artist’s world auction record
The special auction “Fan Paintings and Calligraphy from Hwang Tien-tsai's Collection” completed white glove sale, a sell through rate of 100%. The highest valued lot, “Lychee and Birds” by Yu Zhonglin, was sold for HK$720,000, setting a new auction record for the artist
Ravenel Finest & Rarest Wines realized over US$3 million in Autumn Auction, setting a new high in the history of wine auction in Taiwan
ZAO Wou-ki “Plantes tortillées” sold for US$ 8,114,705, becoming the highest priced oil painting ever sold in Taiwan auction history
Inaugural Chinese Works of Art Auction in Hong Kong
“Special Auction of Works by SHIY De-jinn” accomplished 100% sold by lots
Shanghai office established
Inaugural Fine Jewels and Jadeite Auction in Hong Kong
Inaugural Finest and Rarest Wines Auction in Hong Kong
“Ravenel” quarterly magazine published
SANYU “Five Nudes” sold for US$ 16,493,573, breaking the record for Chinese oil painting
Xu Bing Aerial Phoenix Exhibited at Bao Steel Stage, Shanghai World Expo Park
Cohosting Asia tour exhibition “Sculptures in Movement” with the Louvre
Hosting “Andy Warhol Night” and showcasing masterpieces by Damien Hirst, Henry Moore, Anish Kapoor, and more
Ravenel Hong Kong office established
ZAO Wou-ki “17.4.64” sold for US$ 4,925,373 at Autumn Auction Taipei, the highest auction price in Taiwan auction history
Inaugural Modern and Contemporary Art Auction in Hong Kong, the first Taiwan based Asian auction house to enter Hong Kong
Awarded “Art China, Annual Influence” as one of the most influential auction houses in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan
Beijing office established
CHU Teh-chun “Temps d’hiver” sold for US$ 499,393 at Autumn Auction Taipei, breaking CHU Teh-chun’s world auction record
Launched Taiwan’s first professional magazine focusing on art collection: “Art & Investment”
Hosting “A Flourishing Era- Impressionist and Modern Art” exhibition, showcasing masterpieces by Monet, Renoir, Picasso, Chagall and more
Nominated as one of the best auction houses with international perspective and integration of Eastern and Western culture
Ravenel establish